What's New at the BB(H)Q in Summer 2019

June has now gone, taking away with it the gloomy weather (at least in San Diego, we heard from our team the rest of Europe was cooking!). In this sunny month of July, we came back re-energized from our summer BBQ and wonderful fireworks on the bay. And we are looking forward to adding some new elements to the BeatBabel office. But first, let’s have a look at what’s really been cooking in the BeatBabel kitchen, besides the weather…



In June, BeatBabel’s Leadership Team, Burckhardt Rueffer and Marie Flacassier, participated in the LocWorld Conference in Estoril, Portugal, exchanging ideas on the latest trends and topics in the localization industry. Besides great discussion on talent management, machine translation, and content management, they also enjoyed the good company of their peers, great food and beautiful fado music in a typical restaurant. They also met with our newly relocated Spanish team member, Miguel, to brainstorm about client solutions and improved processes.

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First course

Early this summer, our two summer interns Cheng Qian and Kaixin Zhong arrived at the BeatBabel office. They are currently graduate students from Middlebury Institute of International Studies majoring in Translation and Localization Management. With their fresh insights and practical training, they have become a great addition to our production team. We are all looking forward to working hard and having a good time together.

Second course

In July, we welcomed another new team member – Karina Drosenos. Originally from Peru, she has lived in Germany, Italy, and different places in the United States. She is fluent in Spanish. With years of experience in the translation and localization industry, she is the newest addition to our project management team. New to San Diego (with her husband and two yorkies!), she is feeling fresh and excited to start her new journey with the BeatBabel team, and use her Spanish skills with the locals!



Our fourth big announcement is still on its way… Except for the flashy touch of our color scheme, we will bring you a big revelation this summer. Stay tuned. I promise you’ll say “sweet”!

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Meanwhile, we will keep on helping our clients while listening to the “Geraldine” Rock ’n Roll 1958 tune from Jack Scott, in dedication to our awesome office manager Gégé aka Géraldine - check it out for yourself. We believe he repeats Géraldine’s name over 200 times in about 2 minutes: https://youtu.be/GyV_hoxpDrY