Celebrate China: 5 Unforgettable Festivals You Won't Want to Miss

Embark on a journey through China's vibrant cultural tapestry, immersing yourself in the magic of its festivals. Explore the essence of tradition, unity, and cultural heritage as we uncover five captivating celebrations that define China's rich cultural landscape.

Mid-Autumn Festival

When: The 15th day of the 8th month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar

How to celebrate:

  • Enjoy a family dinner (团圆饭)

  • Eat mooncakes (吃月饼)

  • Appreciate and worship the moon (赏月, 对月祈福)

  • Make and carry Mid-Autumn Festival lanterns (放天灯)

Local Tip: Celebrate the spirit of family and togetherness under the fullest moon, symbolizing unity and fulfillment.

Spring Festival

When: Between January 21st and February 20th

How to celebrate:

  • Paste Spring Festival Couplets for luck and prosperity (贴春联)

  • Savor a family reunion dinner (团圆饭) and make dumplings (包饺子)

  • Stay up late on New Year’s Eve (守岁) and set off firecrackers (放烟花)

  • Give lucky money in red packets (发红包) and visit a temple fair (逛庙会))

Local Tip: Before the Spring Festival, every household prepares traditional festive foods in advance. If you have Chinese friends, you need to experience the unique process of cooking traditional festive foods with their families.

Lantern Festival

When: Celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first month in the lunisolar Chinese calendar

How to celebrate:

  • Light and admire lanterns (赏花灯)

  • Guess Lantern Riddles (猜谜语)

  • Eat sweet dumplings (吃汤圆)

  • Watch Dragon and Lion Dances (舞狮、舞龙)

Local Tip: Visit Town God’s Temple to witness the traditional burning of incense and prayer for blessings.

Qingming Festival

When: The 15th day after the Spring Equinox, around 4-6 April

How to celebrate:

  • Sweep the ancestor’s graveyards (扫墓)

  • Put Willow Branches on Gates (挂柳条)

  • Spring Outings and Kite Flying (踏青)

Local Tip: Qingming Festival is most strongly related to respect for departed spirits and sacrifice, which means it is not proper to greet with words like happy, joyful, merry, etc.

Dragon Boat Festival

When: Late May or June (Gregorian calendar)

How to celebrate:

  • Indulge in delicious sticky rice dumplings (吃粽子)

  • Watch Dragon Boat Races (赛龙舟)

  • Hang Chinese Mugwort and Calamus (挂艾草)

  • Drink Realgar Wine, also known as Xionghuang wine (喝雄黄酒)

  • Wear Perfume Pouches to be protected against evil and bad luck (挂香囊)

Local Tip: Delight in the diverse flavors of sticky rice dumplings from both northern (sweet zongzi) and southern regions (savory).